Best. Motto. Ever.

Best. Motto. Ever.
You'll hear me repeat it until my dying day: "BARE FEET = HAPPY LIFE!" ...It's THAT simple!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dirty Bare Feet: "Ew.."? or "Awesome!!"?

Saw this photo online, had to edit it with a
motto that I fully believe in!
I was walking around
a NYC rooftop, barefoot, during a
20-min. phone call.. This was my
"reward"! LOL!
     Well, to answer this blog title's question, I guess it depends on the situation! You see, being a happy, "Who gives a sh*t?", barefooter like I am, it's completely normal for me to inadvertently trash my own bare feet, and get them filthy, as I go about my day in a carefree way, with or without flipflops on.. Even being the self-admitted pedicure addict that I am, just being outside barefoot, especially during summertime, is a surefire way to trash your feet (Hah, but usually instantly cleaned by jumping into a chlorinated swimming pool!).. And continuously mopping your floors doesn't matter, you are simply getting dirty feet if you love being barefoot. Wedding reception, "shoes off & barefoot", dancing all night (which, of course, I'm still a complete expert on! LOL!), on the most beautiful, polished marble/wood floors that you could ever hope for, and you are still gonna be scrubbing those tootsies off in the shower later! Stopping off at a supermarket, barefoot? It's not the smooth, shiny (addictively cool to the soles of your bare feet) market floors that'll get'cha.. It's that asphalt parking lot! And kids? Kids are SUPPOSED to have dirty bare feet! That's part OF being a kid: "Go outside, and don't worry about putting shoes on! Come back if you get a splinter!" For us adults, it just makes us still feel like a kid inside (as does bare feet, in general)... Still, all of these "dirty feet moments" are easily fixed with some body wash & a scrubbrush in the shower. So, to me, "dirty bare feet" just means that you really enjoyed your day, or had lotsa' fun, without your shoes on! I guess the, "Ewwww" part would come in when someone has bad hygiene, and doesn't shower regularly to clean themselves up. Or, sadly, like a homeless person, doesn't have regular shower/soap access. Then I get that "Ewwww!" part, because "ain't no one got no time for" any cheesy, gross feet! Outside of that unpleasantness, IT'S SUMMER! GO BAREFOOT!

From Instagram, a barefoot handstand! To me, this is what being a kid is all about:
Shoes off, dirty bare feet, and just having FUN!!!

Happy 4th of July, 2013! All day and all night barefoot! 
But, wow, did I need a nice chunk of Dove bodywash to fix these! LOL!! 
God bless America, and the happy freedom to go barefoot!

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